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The Boundaries of Biases
Vaniver · 2010-12-01T00:43:02.154Z · comments (15)
Broken window fallacy and economic illiteracy.
Desrtopa · 2010-12-01T04:48:12.618Z · comments (13)
Aspie toy: the Neocube
cousin_it · 2010-12-01T07:18:52.929Z · comments (32)
Defecting by Accident - A Flaw Common to Analytical People
lionhearted (Sebastian Marshall) (lionhearted) · 2010-12-01T08:25:47.450Z · comments (433)
Gender Identity and Rationality
lucidfox · 2010-12-01T16:32:25.785Z · comments (114)
How to Save the World
Louie · 2010-12-01T17:17:48.713Z · comments (135)
Ask and Guess
[deleted] · 2010-12-01T17:54:10.469Z · comments (66)
Is ambition rational?
sliverlake · 2010-12-01T18:54:54.639Z · comments (16)
A possible example of failure to apply lessons from Less Wrong
JoshuaZ · 2010-12-01T19:33:04.193Z · comments (17)
Philadelphia Meetup: Dec 5 or 6
PhilGoetz · 2010-12-01T20:24:53.952Z · comments (6)
Smart people who are usually wrong
PhilGoetz · 2010-12-01T20:45:30.123Z · comments (30)
Cheat codes
sketerpot · 2010-12-01T21:19:39.547Z · comments (93)
Hard To See What
Ferd · 2010-12-02T03:54:40.520Z · comments (0)
Social Presuppositions
lucidfox · 2010-12-02T13:25:39.742Z · comments (49)
$100 for the best article on efficient charity -- Submit your articles
Roko · 2010-12-02T20:57:31.410Z · comments (12)
Definitions, characterizations, and hard-to-ground variables
Sniffnoy · 2010-12-03T03:18:07.947Z · comments (8)
Rationality Quotes: December 2010
Tiiba · 2010-12-03T03:23:07.900Z · comments (342)
How Greedy Bastards Have Saved More Lives Than Mother Theresa Ever Did
waitingforgodel · 2010-12-03T06:20:38.961Z · comments (24)
Aieee! The stupid! it burns!
Richard_Kennaway · 2010-12-03T14:53:47.932Z · comments (62)
One argument in favor of limited life spans
NancyLebovitz · 2010-12-03T15:34:05.359Z · comments (23)
Two publicity ideas
NancyLebovitz · 2010-12-03T15:41:47.163Z · comments (14)
Longterm/Difficult to measure charities
Raemon · 2010-12-03T18:47:22.335Z · comments (7)
Starting point for calculating inferential distance?
JenniferRM · 2010-12-03T20:20:03.484Z · comments (9)
Are stereotypes ever irrational?
[deleted] · 2010-12-03T23:45:26.814Z · comments (35)
Cambridge Sunday meetup: New time and location
jimrandomh · 2010-12-04T00:11:27.912Z · comments (11)
Sequences in Alternative Formats
OneWhoFrogs · 2010-12-04T01:40:40.102Z · comments (12)
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
Mass_Driver · 2010-12-04T09:12:04.436Z · comments (31)
Efficient Charity
multifoliaterose · 2010-12-04T10:27:58.909Z · comments (185)
Applied cognitive science: learning from a faux pas
Kaj_Sotala · 2010-12-04T11:15:48.594Z · comments (6)
"Behind the Power Curve" by Simon Funk
cousin_it · 2010-12-04T17:35:53.137Z · comments (7)
A Catalog of Confusions
sixes_and_sevens · 2010-12-05T01:17:49.434Z · comments (13)
A neural correlate of certainty
PhilGoetz · 2010-12-05T01:44:02.521Z · comments (2)
The Trolley Problem: Dodging moral questions
Desrtopa · 2010-12-05T04:58:34.599Z · comments (131)
Genetically Engineered Intelligence
Jordan · 2010-12-05T10:19:29.237Z · comments (27)
Help request: What is the Kolmogorov complexity of computable approximations to AIXI?
AnnaSalamon · 2010-12-05T10:23:55.626Z · comments (9)
Some ideas on communicating risks to the general public
Lightwave · 2010-12-05T10:44:19.060Z · comments (1)
LINK: BBC News on living forever, cryonics
[deleted] · 2010-12-05T18:08:26.618Z · comments (18)
The Truth about Scotsmen, or: Dissolving Fallacies
Tesseract · 2010-12-05T21:49:06.384Z · comments (0)
The Truth about Scotsmen, or: Dissolving Fallacies
Tesseract · 2010-12-05T21:57:07.976Z · comments (36)
How seriously should I take the supposed problems with Cox's theorem?
jsalvatier · 2010-12-06T02:04:43.359Z · comments (10)
It's Not About Efficiency
DanielLC · 2010-12-06T04:12:41.198Z · comments (11)
Berkeley LW Meet-up Friday December 10
LucasSloan · 2010-12-06T06:11:54.173Z · comments (11)
Less Wrong: Open Thread, December 2010
David_Gerard · 2010-12-06T14:29:34.755Z · comments (85)
New Haven Meetup, Saturday, Dec. 11
Alicorn · 2010-12-06T15:15:45.524Z · comments (32)
It's not about truth
Eneasz · 2010-12-06T19:43:11.014Z · comments (15)
Wonder who is going to be there...
xamdam · 2010-12-07T03:14:24.123Z · comments (5)
Writing and enthusiasm
NancyLebovitz · 2010-12-07T12:01:46.091Z · comments (11)
An uneducated thought on the irreality of reality
righthereonthisrock · 2010-12-07T13:31:51.919Z · comments (5)
The End of Men
Kaj_Sotala · 2010-12-07T13:40:03.121Z · comments (7)
Akrasia as a collective action problem
fortyeridania · 2010-12-07T15:44:56.626Z · comments (4)
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