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Skills from a year of Purposeful Rationality Practice
Raemon · 2024-09-18T02:05:58.726Z · comments (12)
Laziness death spirals
PatrickDFarley · 2024-09-19T15:58:30.252Z · comments (13)
Zvi · 2024-09-16T13:40:06.236Z · comments (33)
[link] Is "superhuman" AI forecasting BS? Some experiments on the "539" bot from the Centre for AI Safety
titotal (lombertini) · 2024-09-18T13:07:40.754Z · comments (3)
The case for a negative alignment tax
Cameron Berg (cameron-berg) · 2024-09-18T18:33:18.491Z · comments (19)
The Obliqueness Thesis
jessicata (jessica.liu.taylor) · 2024-09-19T00:26:30.677Z · comments (16)
o1-preview is pretty good at doing ML on an unknown dataset
Håvard Tveit Ihle (havard-tveit-ihle) · 2024-09-20T08:39:49.927Z · comments (1)
[Intuitive self-models] 1. Preliminaries
Steven Byrnes (steve2152) · 2024-09-19T13:45:27.976Z · comments (9)
Secret Collusion: Will We Know When to Unplug AI?
schroederdewitt · 2024-09-16T16:07:01.119Z · comments (7)
[link] Book review: Xenosystems
jessicata (jessica.liu.taylor) · 2024-09-16T20:17:56.670Z · comments (18)
[link] Investigating an insurance-for-AI startup
L Rudolf L (LRudL) · 2024-09-21T15:29:10.083Z · comments (0)
AI #82: The Governor Ponders
Zvi · 2024-09-19T13:30:04.863Z · comments (8)
Applications of Chaos: Saying No (with Hastings Greer)
Elizabeth (pktechgirl) · 2024-09-21T16:30:07.415Z · comments (9)
I finally got ChatGPT to sound like me
lsusr · 2024-09-17T09:39:59.415Z · comments (18)
Interested in Cognitive Bootcamp?
Raemon · 2024-09-19T22:12:13.348Z · comments (0)
[link] MIRI's September 2024 newsletter
Harlan · 2024-09-16T18:15:40.785Z · comments (0)
[link] Making Eggs Without Ovaries
Niko_McCarty (niko-2) · 2024-09-22T17:44:46.733Z · comments (4)
Another argument against utility-centric alignment paradigms
Fiora from Rosebloom · 2024-09-22T07:28:27.856Z · comments (8)
Which LessWrong/Alignment topics would you like to be tutored in? [Poll]
Ruby · 2024-09-19T01:35:02.999Z · comments (11)
We Don't Know Our Own Values, but Reward Bridges The Is-Ought Gap
johnswentworth · 2024-09-19T22:22:05.307Z · comments (30)
Work with me on agent foundations: independent fellowship
Alex_Altair · 2024-09-21T13:59:16.706Z · comments (3)
[link] Generative ML in chemistry is bottlenecked by synthesis
Abhishaike Mahajan (abhishaike-mahajan) · 2024-09-16T16:31:34.801Z · comments (2)
Monthly Roundup #22: September 2024
Zvi · 2024-09-17T12:20:08.297Z · comments (9)
[link] On the Role of Proto-Languages
adamShimi · 2024-09-22T16:50:34.720Z · comments (0)
Augmenting Statistical Models with Natural Language Parameters
jsteinhardt · 2024-09-20T18:30:10.816Z · comments (0)
My 10-year retrospective on trying SSRIs
Kaj_Sotala · 2024-09-22T20:30:02.483Z · comments (0)
I'm creating a deep dive podcast episode about the original Leverage Research - would you like to take part?
spencerg · 2024-09-22T14:03:22.164Z · comments (0)
Glitch Token Catalog - (Almost) a Full Clear
Lao Mein (derpherpize) · 2024-09-21T12:22:16.403Z · comments (3)
[question] Where to find reliable reviews of AI products?
Elizabeth (pktechgirl) · 2024-09-17T23:48:25.899Z · answers+comments (4)
RLHF is the worst possible thing done when facing the alignment problem
tailcalled · 2024-09-19T18:56:27.676Z · comments (10)
A New Class of Glitch Tokens - BPE Subtoken Artifacts (BSA)
Lao Mein (derpherpize) · 2024-09-20T13:13:26.181Z · comments (7)
The case for more Alignment Target Analysis (ATA)
Chi Nguyen · 2024-09-20T01:14:41.411Z · comments (11)
[question] What's the Deal with Logical Uncertainty?
Ape in the coat · 2024-09-16T08:11:43.588Z · answers+comments (21)
Fun With The Tabula Muris (Senis)
sarahconstantin · 2024-09-20T18:20:01.901Z · comments (0)
[link] Introduction to Super Powers (for kids!)
Shoshannah Tekofsky (DarkSym) · 2024-09-20T17:17:27.070Z · comments (0)
How Often Does Taking Away Options Help?
niplav · 2024-09-21T21:52:40.822Z · comments (4)
Apply to MATS 7.0!
Ryan Kidd (ryankidd44) · 2024-09-21T00:23:49.778Z · comments (0)
[link] To CoT or not to CoT? Chain-of-thought helps mainly on math and symbolic reasoning
Bogdan Ionut Cirstea (bogdan-ionut-cirstea) · 2024-09-19T16:13:55.835Z · comments (1)
[link] How to choose what to work on
jasoncrawford · 2024-09-18T20:39:12.316Z · comments (3)
[link] Why good things often don’t lead to better outcomes
DMMF · 2024-09-19T16:37:07.778Z · comments (1)
[link] Pronouns are Annoying
ymeskhout · 2024-09-18T13:30:04.620Z · comments (19)
Slave Morality: A place for every man and every man in his place
Martin Sustrik (sustrik) · 2024-09-19T04:20:04.491Z · comments (7)
[link] Should Sports Betting Be Banned?
Maxwell Tabarrok (maxwell-tabarrok) · 2024-09-21T14:13:35.404Z · comments (1)
[link] Intention-to-Treat (Re: How harmful is music, really?)
kqr · 2024-09-18T18:44:41.128Z · comments (0)
Keyboard Gremlins
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-09-20T02:30:07.140Z · comments (0)
[question] Does life actually locally *increase* entropy?
tailcalled · 2024-09-16T20:30:33.148Z · answers+comments (22)
Just How Good Are Modern Chess Computers?
nem · 2024-09-19T18:57:21.254Z · comments (1)
[link] Physics of Language models (part 2.1)
Nathan Helm-Burger (nathan-helm-burger) · 2024-09-19T16:48:32.301Z · comments (1)
[link] AISafety.info: What are Inductive Biases?
Algon · 2024-09-19T17:26:24.581Z · comments (0)
Electric Mandola
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-09-21T13:40:04.772Z · comments (0)
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