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[question] Is there software to practice reading expressions?
lsusr · 2024-04-23T21:53:00.679Z · answers+comments (10)
Striking Implications for Learning Theory, Interpretability — and Safety?
RogerDearnaley (roger-d-1) · 2024-01-05T08:46:58.915Z · comments (4)
Deconfusing In-Context Learning
Arjun Panickssery (arjun-panickssery) · 2024-02-25T09:48:17.690Z · comments (1)
[question] Snapshot of narratives and frames against regulating AI
Jan_Kulveit · 2023-11-01T16:30:19.116Z · answers+comments (19)
[link] Scalable And Transferable Black-Box Jailbreaks For Language Models Via Persona Modulation
Soroush Pour (soroush-pour) · 2023-11-07T17:59:36.857Z · comments (2)
Closeness To the Issue (Part 5 of "The Sense Of Physical Necessity")
LoganStrohl (BrienneYudkowsky) · 2024-03-09T00:36:47.388Z · comments (0)
[link] Scaling laws for dominant assurance contracts
jessicata (jessica.liu.taylor) · 2023-11-28T23:11:07.631Z · comments (5)
[link] Searching for the Root of the Tree of Evil
Ivan Vendrov (ivan-vendrov) · 2024-06-08T17:05:53.950Z · comments (14)
[link] "Model UN Solutions"
Arjun Panickssery (arjun-panickssery) · 2023-12-08T23:06:33.490Z · comments (5)
D&D.Sci: Whom Shall You Call?
abstractapplic · 2024-07-05T20:53:37.010Z · comments (6)
[link] How To Socialize With Psycho(logist)s
Sable · 2023-10-20T11:33:46.066Z · comments (11)
AI #34: Chipping Away at Chip Exports
Zvi · 2023-10-19T15:00:03.055Z · comments (19)
[link] Claude 3 Opus can operate as a Turing machine
Gunnar_Zarncke · 2024-04-17T08:41:57.209Z · comments (2)
[link] ∀: a story
Richard_Ngo (ricraz) · 2023-12-17T22:42:32.857Z · comments (1)
[question] What are your cruxes for imprecise probabilities / decision rules?
Anthony DiGiovanni (antimonyanthony) · 2024-07-31T15:42:27.057Z · answers+comments (29)
How to Give in to Threats (without incentivizing them)
Mikhail Samin (mikhail-samin) · 2024-09-12T15:55:50.384Z · comments (19)
My disagreements with "AGI ruin: A List of Lethalities"
Noosphere89 (sharmake-farah) · 2024-09-15T17:22:18.367Z · comments (19)
[link] Shifting Headspaces - Transitional Beast-Mode
Jonathan Moregård (JonathanMoregard) · 2024-08-12T13:02:06.120Z · comments (9)
Good job opportunities for helping with the most important century
HoldenKarnofsky · 2024-01-18T17:30:03.332Z · comments (0)
AI Safety Camp final presentations
Linda Linsefors · 2024-03-29T14:27:43.503Z · comments (3)
The Evolution of Humans Was Net-Negative for Human Values
Zack_M_Davis · 2024-04-01T16:01:10.037Z · comments (1)
Deeply Cover Car Crashes?
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2023-12-10T22:20:01.133Z · comments (31)
A Socratic dialogue with my student
lsusr · 2023-12-05T09:31:05.266Z · comments (14)
Childhood and Education Roundup #5
Zvi · 2024-04-17T13:00:03.015Z · comments (4)
Please Bet On My Quantified Self Decision Markets
niplav · 2023-12-01T20:07:38.284Z · comments (6)
[link] Toki pona FAQ
dkl9 · 2024-03-17T21:44:21.782Z · comments (8)
Otherness and control in the age of AGI
Joe Carlsmith (joekc) · 2024-01-02T18:15:54.168Z · comments (0)
[link] Learning coefficient estimation: the details
Zach Furman (zfurman) · 2023-11-16T03:19:09.013Z · comments (0)
[link] Who is Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) really, and how could he have done what he did? - three theories and a lot of evidence
spencerg · 2023-11-11T01:04:22.747Z · comments (28)
AI companies' commitments
Zach Stein-Perlman · 2024-05-29T11:00:31.339Z · comments (0)
We are already in a persuasion-transformed world and must take precautions
trevor (TrevorWiesinger) · 2023-11-04T15:53:31.345Z · comments (14)
AI #47: Meet the New Year
Zvi · 2024-01-13T16:20:10.519Z · comments (7)
Comparing representation vectors between llama 2 base and chat
Nina Panickssery (NinaR) · 2023-10-28T22:54:37.059Z · comments (5)
(Appetitive, Consummatory) ≈ (RL, reflex)
Steven Byrnes (steve2152) · 2024-06-15T15:57:39.533Z · comments (1)
[link] UC Berkeley course on LLMs and ML Safety
Dan H (dan-hendrycks) · 2024-07-09T15:40:00.920Z · comments (1)
On Dwarkesh’s 3rd Podcast With Tyler Cowen
Zvi · 2024-02-02T19:30:05.974Z · comments (9)
My best guess at the important tricks for training 1L SAEs
Arthur Conmy (arthur-conmy) · 2023-12-21T01:59:06.208Z · comments (4)
An anti-inductive sequence
Viliam · 2024-08-14T12:28:54.226Z · comments (9)
[link] My article in The Nation — California’s AI Safety Bill Is a Mask-Off Moment for the Industry
garrison · 2024-08-15T19:25:59.592Z · comments (0)
Debate: Is it ethical to work at AI capabilities companies?
Ben Pace (Benito) · 2024-08-14T00:18:38.846Z · comments (21)
[link] My Model of Epistemology
adamShimi · 2024-08-31T17:01:45.472Z · comments (0)
Introduce a Speed Maximum
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-01-11T02:50:04.284Z · comments (28)
The "context window" analogy for human minds
Ruby · 2024-02-13T19:29:10.387Z · comments (0)
Open consultancy: Letting untrusted AIs choose what answer to argue for
Fabien Roger (Fabien) · 2024-03-12T20:38:03.785Z · comments (5)
Agency in Politics
Martin Sustrik (sustrik) · 2024-07-17T05:30:01.873Z · comments (2)
How predictive processing solved my wrist pain
max_shen (makoshen) · 2024-07-04T01:56:20.162Z · comments (8)
What Helped Me - Kale, Blood, CPAP, X-tiamine, Methylphenidate
Johannes C. Mayer (johannes-c-mayer) · 2024-01-03T13:22:11.700Z · comments (12)
My Detailed Notes & Commentary from Secular Solstice
Jeffrey Heninger (jeffrey-heninger) · 2024-03-23T18:48:51.894Z · comments (16)
[question] What is an "anti-Occamian prior"?
Zane · 2023-10-23T02:26:10.851Z · answers+comments (22)
Protocol evaluations: good analogies vs control
Fabien Roger (Fabien) · 2024-02-19T18:00:09.794Z · comments (10)
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