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[link] Contra Ngo et al. “Every ‘Every Bay Area House Party’ Bay Area House Party”
Ricki Heicklen (bayesshammai) · 2024-02-22T23:56:02.318Z · comments (5)
Thinking By The Clock
Screwtape · 2023-11-08T07:40:59.936Z · comments (27)
Self-Other Overlap: A Neglected Approach to AI Alignment
Marc Carauleanu (Marc-Everin Carauleanu) · 2024-07-30T16:22:29.561Z · comments (40)
How to Catch an AI Liar: Lie Detection in Black-Box LLMs by Asking Unrelated Questions
JanB (JanBrauner) · 2023-09-28T18:53:58.896Z · comments (38)
Optimistic Assumptions, Longterm Planning, and "Cope"
Raemon · 2024-07-17T22:14:24.090Z · comments (45)
[link] Daniel Kahneman has died
DanielFilan · 2024-03-27T15:59:14.517Z · comments (11)
Why Would Belief-States Have A Fractal Structure, And Why Would That Matter For Interpretability? An Explainer
johnswentworth · 2024-04-18T00:27:43.451Z · comments (21)
AI as a science, and three obstacles to alignment strategies
So8res · 2023-10-25T21:00:16.003Z · comments (80)
Humming is not a free $100 bill
Elizabeth (pktechgirl) · 2024-06-06T20:10:02.457Z · comments (6)
Introducing Alignment Stress-Testing at Anthropic
evhub · 2024-01-12T23:51:25.875Z · comments (23)
The other side of the tidal wave
KatjaGrace · 2023-11-03T05:40:05.363Z · comments (85)
There should be more AI safety orgs
Marius Hobbhahn (marius-hobbhahn) · 2023-09-21T14:53:52.779Z · comments (25)
OMMC Announces RIP
Adam Scholl (adam_scholl) · 2024-04-01T23:20:00.433Z · comments (5)
Safety consultations for AI lab employees
Zach Stein-Perlman · 2024-07-27T15:00:27.276Z · comments (4)
"Humanity vs. AGI" Will Never Look Like "Humanity vs. AGI" to Humanity
Thane Ruthenis · 2023-12-16T20:08:39.375Z · comments (34)
re: Yudkowsky on biological materials
bhauth · 2023-12-11T13:28:10.639Z · comments (30)
[link] Toward a Broader Conception of Adverse Selection
Ricki Heicklen (bayesshammai) · 2024-03-14T22:40:57.920Z · comments (61)
Every "Every Bay Area House Party" Bay Area House Party
Richard_Ngo (ricraz) · 2024-02-16T18:53:28.567Z · comments (6)
[link] FHI (Future of Humanity Institute) has shut down (2005–2024)
gwern · 2024-04-17T13:54:16.791Z · comments (22)
Effective Aspersions: How the Nonlinear Investigation Went Wrong
TracingWoodgrains (tracingwoodgrains) · 2023-12-19T12:00:23.529Z · comments (170)
WTH is Cerebrolysin, actually?
gsfitzgerald (neuroplume) · 2024-08-06T20:40:53.378Z · comments (22)
Architects of Our Own Demise: We Should Stop Developing AI Carelessly
Roko · 2023-10-26T00:36:05.126Z · comments (75)
Critical review of Christiano's disagreements with Yudkowsky
Vanessa Kosoy (vanessa-kosoy) · 2023-12-27T16:02:50.499Z · comments (40)
Timaeus's First Four Months
Jesse Hoogland (jhoogland) · 2024-02-28T17:01:53.437Z · comments (6)
'Empiricism!' as Anti-Epistemology
Eliezer Yudkowsky (Eliezer_Yudkowsky) · 2024-03-14T02:02:59.723Z · comments (86)
[link] President Biden Issues Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Tristan Williams (tristan-williams) · 2023-10-30T11:15:38.422Z · comments (39)
Thomas Kwa's MIRI research experience
Thomas Kwa (thomas-kwa) · 2023-10-02T16:42:37.886Z · comments (53)
2023 Unofficial LessWrong Census/Survey
Screwtape · 2023-12-02T04:41:51.418Z · comments (81)
Thoughts on the AI Safety Summit company policy requests and responses
So8res · 2023-10-31T23:54:09.566Z · comments (14)
Evaluating the historical value misspecification argument
Matthew Barnett (matthew-barnett) · 2023-10-05T18:34:15.695Z · comments (142)
Reconsider the anti-cavity bacteria if you are Asian
Lao Mein (derpherpize) · 2024-04-15T07:02:02.655Z · comments (43)
[link] Recommendation: reports on the search for missing hiker Bill Ewasko
eukaryote · 2024-07-31T22:15:03.174Z · comments (28)
The 'Neglected Approaches' Approach: AE Studio's Alignment Agenda
Cameron Berg (cameron-berg) · 2023-12-18T20:35:01.569Z · comments (21)
This is already your second chance
Malmesbury (Elmer of Malmesbury) · 2024-07-28T17:13:57.680Z · comments (13)
RSPs are pauses done right
evhub · 2023-10-14T04:06:02.709Z · comments (70)
[link] The King and the Golem
Richard_Ngo (ricraz) · 2023-09-25T19:51:22.980Z · comments (16)
How useful is mechanistic interpretability?
ryan_greenblatt · 2023-12-01T02:54:53.488Z · comments (54)
Many arguments for AI x-risk are wrong
TurnTrout · 2024-03-05T02:31:00.990Z · comments (86)
Announcing ILIAD — Theoretical AI Alignment Conference
Nora_Ammann · 2024-06-05T09:37:39.546Z · comments (18)
Without fundamental advances, misalignment and catastrophe are the default outcomes of training powerful AI
Jeremy Gillen (jeremy-gillen) · 2024-01-26T07:22:06.370Z · comments (60)
The likely first longevity drug is based on sketchy science. This is bad for science and bad for longevity.
BobBurgers · 2023-12-12T02:42:18.559Z · comments (34)
My thoughts on the social response to AI risk
Matthew Barnett (matthew-barnett) · 2023-11-01T21:17:08.184Z · comments (37)
You can remove GPT2’s LayerNorm by fine-tuning for an hour
StefanHex (Stefan42) · 2024-08-08T18:33:38.803Z · comments (11)
[link] Sycophancy to subterfuge: Investigating reward tampering in large language models
Carson Denison (carson-denison) · 2024-06-17T18:41:31.090Z · comments (22)
[link] Boycott OpenAI
PeterMcCluskey · 2024-06-18T19:52:42.854Z · comments (26)
[link] Connecting the Dots: LLMs can Infer & Verbalize Latent Structure from Training Data
Johannes Treutlein (Johannes_Treutlein) · 2024-06-21T15:54:41.430Z · comments (13)
And All the Shoggoths Merely Players
Zack_M_Davis · 2024-02-10T19:56:59.513Z · comments (57)
DeepMind's "​​Frontier Safety Framework" is weak and unambitious
Zach Stein-Perlman · 2024-05-18T03:00:13.541Z · comments (14)
Vote on Interesting Disagreements
Ben Pace (Benito) · 2023-11-07T21:35:00.270Z · comments (129)
Most People Don't Realize We Have No Idea How Our AIs Work
Thane Ruthenis · 2023-12-21T20:02:00.360Z · comments (42)
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