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The Kernel of Meaning in Property Rights
Abhimanyu Pallavi Sudhir (abhimanyu-pallavi-sudhir) · 2024-06-21T01:12:55.330Z · comments (6)
2022 AI Alignment Course: 5→37% working on AI safety
Dewi (dewi) · 2024-06-21T17:45:33.881Z · comments (3)
[link] Free Will, Determinism, And Choice
Zero Contradictions · 2024-07-06T06:34:41.495Z · comments (3)
AirBnB Baking
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-07-10T12:50:03.381Z · comments (1)
Thoughts to niplav on lie-detection, truthfwl mechanisms, and wealth-inequality
Emrik (Emrik North) · 2024-07-11T18:55:46.687Z · comments (8)
[link] Kinds of Motivation
Sable · 2024-07-13T15:52:44.432Z · comments (2)
Establishing a Connection (Ch. 9-12)
a littoral wizard · 2024-07-17T23:49:25.696Z · comments (3)
Utilitarianism and the replaceability of desires and attachments
MichaelStJules · 2024-07-27T01:57:42.419Z · comments (2)
Making Beliefs Pay Rent
Screwtape · 2024-07-28T17:59:52.101Z · comments (2)
Relativity Theory for What the Future 'You' Is and Isn't
FlorianH (florian-habermacher) · 2024-07-29T02:01:17.736Z · comments (48)
[link] Cooperation and Alignment in Delegation Games: You Need Both!
Oliver Sourbut · 2024-08-03T10:16:51.716Z · comments (0)
Broadly human level, cognitively complete AGI
p.b. · 2024-08-06T09:26:13.220Z · comments (0)
Funding for programs and events on global catastrophic risk, effective altruism, and other topics
abergal · 2024-08-14T23:59:48.146Z · comments (0)
Sequence overview: Welfare and moral weights
MichaelStJules · 2024-08-15T04:22:32.567Z · comments (0)
Behavior Cloning for Alignment & Immortality
Dev.Errata (ethan.roland) · 2024-08-17T23:42:56.699Z · comments (1)
One person's worth of mental energy for AI doom aversion jobs. What should I do?
Lorec · 2024-08-26T01:29:01.700Z · comments (16)
Deception and Jailbreak Sequence: 2. Iterative Refinement Stages of Jailbreaks in LLM
Winnie Yang (winnie-yang) · 2024-08-28T08:41:38.967Z · comments (2)
Denver USA - ACX Meetups Everywhere Fall 2024
Eneasz · 2024-08-29T18:40:53.332Z · comments (0)
[question] Does a time-reversible physical law/Cellular Automaton always imply the First Law of Thermodynamics?
Noosphere89 (sharmake-farah) · 2024-08-30T15:12:28.823Z · answers+comments (11)
Fake Blog Posts as a Problem Solving Device
silentbob · 2024-08-31T09:22:54.513Z · comments (0)
[link] Is Redistributive Taxation Justifiable? Part 1: Do the Rich Deserve their Wealth?
Alexander de Vries (alexander-de-vries) · 2024-09-05T10:23:08.958Z · comments (20)
[link] Checking public figures on whether they "answered the question" quick analysis from Harris/Trump debate, and a proposal
david reinstein (david-reinstein) · 2024-09-11T20:25:27.845Z · comments (4)
[question] If I ask an LLM to think step by step, how big are the steps?
ryan_b · 2024-09-13T20:30:50.558Z · answers+comments (1)
Moral Trade, Impact Distributions and Large Worlds
Larks · 2024-09-20T03:45:56.273Z · comments (0)
Modelling Social Exchange: A Systematised Method to Judge Friendship Quality
Wynn Walker · 2024-08-04T18:49:30.892Z · comments (0)
Introduction to Modern Dating: Strategic Dating Advice for beginners
Jesper Lindholm · 2024-07-20T15:45:25.705Z · comments (5)
[link] Optimising under arbitrarily many constraint equations
dkl9 · 2024-09-12T14:59:28.475Z · comments (0)
Activation Engineering Theories of Impact
kubanetics (jakub-nowak) · 2024-07-18T16:44:33.656Z · comments (1)
[question] Request for AI risk quotes, especially around speed, large impacts and black boxes
Nathan Young · 2024-08-02T17:49:48.898Z · answers+comments (0)
[link] Memorising molecular structures
dkl9 · 2024-07-12T22:40:42.307Z · comments (0)
Establishing a Connection (Ch 13-16)
a littoral wizard · 2024-07-17T23:56:23.069Z · comments (4)
[link] A (paraconsistent) logic to deal with inconsistent preferences
B Jacobs (Bob Jacobs) · 2024-07-14T11:17:45.426Z · comments (2)
[question] Opinions on Eureka Labs
jmh · 2024-07-17T00:16:02.959Z · answers+comments (2)
[Research log] The board of Alphabet would stop DeepMind to save the world
Lucie Philippon (lucie-philippon) · 2024-07-16T04:59:14.874Z · comments (0)
[link] A Nonconstructive Existence Proof of Aligned Superintelligence
Roko · 2024-09-12T03:20:09.531Z · comments (65)
[link] Contra Yudkowsky on 2-4-6 Game Difficulty Explanations
Josh Hickman (josh-hickman) · 2024-09-08T16:13:33.187Z · comments (1)
[question] Practical advice for secure virtual communication post easy AI voice-cloning?
hmys (the-cactus) · 2024-08-09T17:32:33.458Z · answers+comments (5)
Spark in the Dark Guest Spots
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-07-14T01:40:05.311Z · comments (0)
[link] [Linkpost] Interpretable Analysis of Features Found in Open-source Sparse Autoencoder (partial replication)
Fernando Avalos (fernando-avalos) · 2024-09-09T03:33:53.548Z · comments (1)
The Xerox Parc/ARPA version of the intellectual Turing test: Class 1 vs Class 2 disagreement
hamishtodd1 · 2024-06-30T15:34:53.729Z · comments (3)
Does “Ultimate Neartermism” via Eternal Inflation dominate Longtermism in expectation?
Jordan Arel · 2024-08-17T22:28:21.849Z · comments (1)
[link] Could Things Be Very Different?—How Historical Inertia Might Blind Us To Optimal Solutions
James Stephen Brown (james-brown) · 2024-09-11T09:53:07.474Z · comments (0)
[Aspiration-based designs] A. Damages from misaligned optimization – two more models
Jobst Heitzig · 2024-07-15T14:08:15.716Z · comments (0)
LLMs stifle creativity, eliminate opportunities for serendipitous discovery and disrupt intergenerational transfer of wisdom
Ghdz (gal-hadad) · 2024-08-05T18:27:20.709Z · comments (2)
[link] Solutions to problems with Bayesianism
B Jacobs (Bob Jacobs) · 2024-07-31T14:18:27.910Z · comments (0)
[link] AISafety.info: What are Inductive Biases?
Algon · 2024-09-19T17:26:24.581Z · comments (0)
[link] Against AI As An Existential Risk
Noah Birnbaum (daniel-birnbaum) · 2024-07-30T19:10:41.156Z · comments (13)
Thirty random thoughts about AI alignment
Lysandre Terrisse · 2024-09-15T16:24:10.572Z · comments (1)
Limitations on the Interpretability of Learned Features from Sparse Dictionary Learning
Tom Angsten (tom-angsten) · 2024-07-30T16:36:06.518Z · comments (0)
[link] SCP Foundation - Anti memetic Division Hub
landscape_kiwi · 2024-09-15T13:40:52.691Z · comments (1)
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