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How I got 3.2 million Youtube views without making a single video
Closed Limelike Curves · 2024-09-03T03:52:33.025Z · comments (23)
The Best Lay Argument is not a Simple English Yud Essay
J Bostock (Jemist) · 2024-09-10T17:34:28.422Z · comments (7)
Pay Risk Evaluators in Cash, Not Equity
Adam Scholl (adam_scholl) · 2024-09-07T02:37:59.659Z · comments (19)
The Great Data Integration Schlep
sarahconstantin · 2024-09-13T15:40:02.298Z · comments (9)
My takes on SB-1047
leogao · 2024-09-09T18:38:37.799Z · comments (8)
Contra papers claiming superhuman AI forecasting
nikos (followtheargument) · 2024-09-12T18:10:50.582Z · comments (11)
[link] That Alien Message - The Animation
Writer · 2024-09-07T14:53:30.604Z · comments (8)
Survey: How Do Elite Chinese Students Feel About the Risks of AI?
Nick Corvino (nick-corvino) · 2024-09-02T18:11:11.867Z · comments (13)
OpenAI o1
Zach Stein-Perlman · 2024-09-12T17:30:31.958Z · comments (40)
[link] The Checklist: What Succeeding at AI Safety Will Involve
Sam Bowman (sbowman) · 2024-09-03T18:18:34.230Z · comments (47)
What happens if you present 500 people with an argument that AI is risky?
KatjaGrace · 2024-09-04T16:40:03.562Z · comments (7)
Did Christopher Hitchens change his mind about waterboarding?
Isaac King (KingSupernova) · 2024-09-15T08:28:09.451Z · comments (9)
[link] My Number 1 Epistemology Book Recommendation: Inventing Temperature
adamShimi · 2024-09-08T14:30:40.456Z · comments (16)
Backdoors as an analogy for deceptive alignment
Jacob_Hilton · 2024-09-06T15:30:06.172Z · comments (0)
Refactoring cryonics as structural brain preservation
Andy_McKenzie · 2024-09-11T18:36:30.285Z · comments (14)
Why I funded PIBBSS
Ryan Kidd (ryankidd44) · 2024-09-15T19:56:33.018Z · comments (0)
[link] Executable philosophy as a failed totalizing meta-worldview
jessicata (jessica.liu.taylor) · 2024-09-04T22:50:18.294Z · comments (40)
Adam Optimizer Causes Privileged Basis in Transformer LM Residual Stream
Diego Caples (diego-caples) · 2024-09-06T17:55:34.265Z · comments (7)
OpenAI o1, Llama 4, and AlphaZero of LLMs
Vladimir_Nesov · 2024-09-14T21:27:41.241Z · comments (12)
[link] Excerpts from "A Reader's Manifesto"
Arjun Panickssery (arjun-panickssery) · 2024-09-06T22:37:40.254Z · comments (1)
[link] Not every accommodation is a Curb Cut Effect: The Handicapped Parking Effect, the Clapper Effect, and more
Michael Cohn (michael-cohn) · 2024-09-15T05:27:36.691Z · comments (18)
What is SB 1047 *for*?
Raemon · 2024-09-05T17:39:39.871Z · comments (8)
Estimating Tail Risk in Neural Networks
Mark Xu (mark-xu) · 2024-09-13T20:00:06.921Z · comments (1)
Pollsters Should Publish Question Translations
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-09-08T22:10:04.932Z · comments (2)
On the UBI Paper
Zvi · 2024-09-03T14:50:08.647Z · comments (6)
AI #81: Alpha Proteo
Zvi · 2024-09-12T13:00:07.958Z · comments (3)
How you can help pass important AI legislation with 10 minutes of effort
ThomasW · 2024-09-14T22:10:50.386Z · comments (2)
Reformative Hypocrisy, and Paying Close Enough Attention to Selectively Reward It.
Andrew_Critch · 2024-09-11T04:41:24.872Z · comments (6)
[link] AI, centralization, and the One Ring
owencb · 2024-09-13T14:00:16.126Z · comments (11)
AI and the Technological Richter Scale
Zvi · 2024-09-04T14:00:08.625Z · comments (8)
[link] Pay-on-results personal growth: first success
Chipmonk · 2024-09-14T03:39:12.975Z · comments (0)
[link] Michael Dickens' Caffeine Tolerance Research
niplav · 2024-09-04T15:41:53.343Z · comments (3)
Evidence against Learned Search in a Chess-Playing Neural Network
p.b. · 2024-09-13T11:59:55.634Z · comments (3)
The Fragility of Life Hypothesis and the Evolution of Cooperation
KristianRonn · 2024-09-04T21:04:49.878Z · comments (6)
AI #80: Never Have I Ever
Zvi · 2024-09-10T17:50:08.074Z · comments (20)
Economics Roundup #3
Zvi · 2024-09-10T13:50:06.955Z · comments (5)
Formalizing the Informal (event invite)
abramdemski · 2024-09-10T19:22:53.564Z · comments (0)
instruction tuning and autoregressive distribution shift
nostalgebraist · 2024-09-05T16:53:41.497Z · comments (5)
Conflating value alignment and intent alignment is causing confusion
Seth Herd · 2024-09-05T16:39:51.967Z · comments (17)
[link] [Paper] Programming Refusal with Conditional Activation Steering
Bruce W. Lee (bruce-lee) · 2024-09-11T20:57:08.714Z · comments (0)
Open Problems in AIXI Agent Foundations
Cole Wyeth (Amyr) · 2024-09-12T15:38:59.007Z · comments (2)
How difficult is AI Alignment?
Sammy Martin (SDM) · 2024-09-13T15:47:10.799Z · comments (3)
[link] On Fables and Nuanced Charts
Niko_McCarty (niko-2) · 2024-09-08T17:09:07.503Z · comments (2)
How to Give in to Threats (without incentivizing them)
Mikhail Samin (mikhail-samin) · 2024-09-12T15:55:50.384Z · comments (19)
My disagreements with "AGI ruin: A List of Lethalities"
Noosphere89 (sharmake-farah) · 2024-09-15T17:22:18.367Z · comments (15)
Proveably Safe Self Driving Cars
Davidmanheim · 2024-09-15T13:58:19.472Z · comments (13)
Book Review: What Even Is Gender?
Joey Marcellino · 2024-09-01T16:09:27.773Z · comments (14)
Zvi · 2024-09-16T13:40:06.236Z · comments (10)
Fun With CellxGene
sarahconstantin · 2024-09-06T22:00:03.461Z · comments (2)
[link] AI forecasting bots incoming
Dan H (dan-hendrycks) · 2024-09-09T19:14:31.050Z · comments (44)
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