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[link] Conversation Visualizer
ethanmorse · 2023-12-31T01:18:01.424Z · comments (4)
3. Premise three & Conclusion: AI systems can affect value change trajectories & the Value Change Problem
Nora_Ammann · 2023-10-26T14:38:14.916Z · comments (4)
Updates to Open Phil’s career development and transition funding program
abergal · 2023-12-04T18:10:29.394Z · comments (0)
Ackshually, many worlds is wrong
tailcalled · 2024-04-11T20:23:59.416Z · comments (42)
Cicadas, Anthropic, and the bilateral alignment problem
kromem · 2024-05-22T11:09:56.469Z · comments (6)
Solstice 2023 Roundup
dspeyer · 2023-10-11T23:09:08.252Z · comments (6)
Escaping Skeuomorphism
Stuart Johnson (stuart-johnson) · 2023-12-20T03:51:00.489Z · comments (0)
Reading More Each Day: A Simple $35 Tool
aysajan · 2024-07-24T13:54:04.290Z · comments (2)
{Book Summary} The Art of Gathering
Tristan Williams (tristan-williams) · 2024-04-16T10:48:41.528Z · comments (0)
Employee Incentives Make AGI Lab Pauses More Costly
nikola (nikolaisalreadytaken) · 2023-12-22T05:04:15.598Z · comments (12)
Experiments with an alternative method to promote sparsity in sparse autoencoders
Eoin Farrell · 2024-04-15T18:21:48.771Z · comments (7)
[question] How did you integrate voice-to-text AI into your workflow?
ChristianKl · 2023-11-20T12:01:37.696Z · answers+comments (12)
An explanation of evil in an organized world
KatjaGrace · 2024-05-02T05:20:06.240Z · comments (9)
AI #65: I Spy With My AI
Zvi · 2024-05-23T12:40:02.793Z · comments (7)
DIY RLHF: A simple implementation for hands on experience
Mike Vaiana (mike-vaiana) · 2024-07-10T12:07:03.047Z · comments (0)
I played the AI box game as the Gatekeeper — and lost
datawitch · 2024-02-12T18:39:35.777Z · comments (52)
Childhood and Education Roundup #6: College Edition
Zvi · 2024-06-26T11:40:03.990Z · comments (8)
[link] AI Impacts 2023 Expert Survey on Progress in AI
habryka (habryka4) · 2024-01-05T19:42:17.226Z · comments (1)
Auditing LMs with counterfactual search: a tool for control and ELK
Jacob Pfau (jacob-pfau) · 2024-02-20T00:02:09.575Z · comments (6)
Aggregative principles approximate utilitarian principles
Cleo Nardo (strawberry calm) · 2024-06-12T16:27:22.179Z · comments (3)
Collection (Part 6 of "The Sense Of Physical Necessity")
LoganStrohl (BrienneYudkowsky) · 2024-03-14T21:37:00.160Z · comments (0)
[link] Memo on some neglected topics
Lukas Finnveden (Lanrian) · 2023-11-11T02:01:55.834Z · comments (2)
[question] What Other Lines of Work are Safe from AI Automation?
RogerDearnaley (roger-d-1) · 2024-07-11T10:01:12.616Z · answers+comments (35)
[link] Quick Thoughts on Scaling Monosemanticity
Joel Burget (joel-burget) · 2024-05-23T16:22:48.035Z · comments (1)
Monthly Roundup #19: June 2024
Zvi · 2024-06-25T12:00:03.333Z · comments (9)
Evaporation of improvements
Viliam · 2024-06-20T18:34:40.969Z · comments (27)
Cryonics p(success) estimates are only weakly associated with interest in pursuing cryonics in the LW 2023 Survey
Andy_McKenzie · 2024-02-29T14:47:28.613Z · comments (6)
Sparse autoencoders find composed features in small toy models
Evan Anders (evan-anders) · 2024-03-14T18:00:43.339Z · comments (12)
[question] Me & My Clone
SimonBaars (simonbaars) · 2024-07-18T16:25:40.770Z · answers+comments (22)
[link] Goodhart's Law Example: Training Verifiers to Solve Math Word Problems
Chris_Leong · 2023-11-25T00:53:26.841Z · comments (2)
An Affordable CO2 Monitor
Pretentious Penguin (dylan-mahoney) · 2024-03-21T03:06:53.255Z · comments (1)
flowing like water; hard like stone
lsusr · 2024-02-20T03:20:46.531Z · comments (4)
Deceptive agents can collude to hide dangerous features in SAEs
Simon Lermen (dalasnoin) · 2024-07-15T17:07:33.283Z · comments (0)
Probably Not a Ghost Story
George Ingebretsen (george-ingebretsen) · 2024-06-12T22:55:26.264Z · comments (4)
[link] Video Intro to Guaranteed Safe AI
Mike Vaiana (mike-vaiana) · 2024-07-11T17:53:47.630Z · comments (0)
A short dialogue on comparability of values
cousin_it · 2023-12-20T14:08:29.650Z · comments (7)
Fifteen Lawsuits against OpenAI
Remmelt (remmelt-ellen) · 2024-03-09T12:22:09.715Z · comments (4)
[question] What Software Should Exist?
Tomás B. (Bjartur Tómas) · 2024-01-19T21:43:50.112Z · answers+comments (27)
[link] David Burns Thinks Psychotherapy Is a Learnable Skill. Git Gud.
Morpheus · 2024-01-27T13:21:05.068Z · comments (20)
D&D.Sci Hypersphere Analysis Part 1: Datafields & Preliminary Analysis
aphyer · 2024-01-13T20:16:39.480Z · comments (1)
Survey on the acceleration risks of our new RFPs to study LLM capabilities
Ajeya Cotra (ajeya-cotra) · 2023-11-10T23:59:52.515Z · comments (1)
[link] Link Collection: Impact Markets
Saul Munn (saul-munn) · 2023-12-26T09:01:48.815Z · comments (0)
[link] Solving alignment isn't enough for a flourishing future
mic (michael-chen) · 2024-02-02T18:23:00.643Z · comments (0)
[question] Supposing the 1bit LLM paper pans out
O O (o-o) · 2024-02-29T05:31:24.158Z · answers+comments (11)
Response to Dileep George: AGI safety warrants planning ahead
Steven Byrnes (steve2152) · 2024-07-08T15:27:07.402Z · comments (7)
The economy is mostly newbs (strat predictions)
lukehmiles (lcmgcd) · 2024-02-01T19:15:49.420Z · comments (6)
EA Infrastructure Fund's Plan to Focus on Principles-First EA
Linch · 2023-12-06T03:24:55.844Z · comments (0)
[link] AISN #30: Investments in Compute and Military AI Plus, Japan and Singapore’s National AI Safety Institutes
aogara (Aidan O'Gara) · 2024-01-24T19:38:33.461Z · comments (1)
Scientific Notation Options
jefftk (jkaufman) · 2024-05-18T15:10:02.181Z · comments (13)
Appraising aggregativism and utilitarianism
Cleo Nardo (strawberry calm) · 2024-06-21T23:10:37.014Z · comments (10)
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