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Muddling Along Is More Likely Than Dystopia
Jeffrey Heninger (jeffrey-heninger) · 2023-10-20T21:25:15.459Z · comments (10)
Towards Multimodal Interpretability: Learning Sparse Interpretable Features in Vision Transformers
hugofry · 2024-04-29T20:57:35.127Z · comments (8)
Saying the quiet part out loud: trading off x-risk for personal immortality
disturbance · 2023-11-02T17:43:34.155Z · comments (89)
The Good Life in the face of the apocalypse
Elizabeth (pktechgirl) · 2023-10-16T22:40:15.200Z · comments (8)
[link] Essay competition on the Automation of Wisdom and Philosophy — $25k in prizes
owencb · 2024-04-16T10:10:13.338Z · comments (11)
We might be missing some key feature of AI takeoff; it'll probably seem like "we could've seen this coming"
Lukas_Gloor · 2024-05-09T15:43:11.490Z · comments (36)
Release: Optimal Weave (P1): A Prototype Cohabitive Game
mako yass (MakoYass) · 2024-08-17T14:08:18.947Z · comments (19)
[Paper] All's Fair In Love And Love: Copy Suppression in GPT-2 Small
CallumMcDougall (TheMcDouglas) · 2023-10-13T18:32:02.376Z · comments (4)
Coup probes: Catching catastrophes with probes trained off-policy
Fabien Roger (Fabien) · 2023-11-17T17:58:28.687Z · comments (7)
[link] Palworld development blog post
bhauth · 2024-01-28T05:56:19.984Z · comments (12)
Why you should be using a retinoid
GeneSmith · 2024-08-19T03:07:41.722Z · comments (53)
My Criticism of Singular Learning Theory
Joar Skalse (Logical_Lunatic) · 2023-11-19T15:19:16.874Z · comments (56)
Refusal mechanisms: initial experiments with Llama-2-7b-chat
Andy Arditi (andy-arditi) · 2023-12-08T17:08:01.250Z · comments (7)
[link] New voluntary commitments (AI Seoul Summit)
Zach Stein-Perlman · 2024-05-21T11:00:41.794Z · comments (17)
Bostrom Goes Unheard
Zvi · 2023-11-13T14:11:07.586Z · comments (9)
Zvi · 2024-09-16T13:40:06.236Z · comments (32)
An Introduction To The Mandelbrot Set That Doesn't Mention Complex Numbers
Yitz (yitz) · 2024-01-17T09:48:07.930Z · comments (11)
[link] "The Heart of Gaming is the Power Fantasy", and Cohabitive Games
Raemon · 2023-10-08T21:02:33.526Z · comments (49)
AISafety.com – Resources for AI Safety
Søren Elverlin (soren-elverlin-1) · 2024-05-17T15:57:11.712Z · comments (3)
Decomposing the QK circuit with Bilinear Sparse Dictionary Learning
keith_wynroe · 2024-07-02T13:17:16.352Z · comments (7)
Constructability: Plainly-coded AGIs may be feasible in the near future
Épiphanie Gédéon (joy_void_joy) · 2024-04-27T16:04:45.894Z · comments (13)
Announcing Athena - Women in AI Alignment Research
Claire Short (claire-short) · 2023-11-07T21:46:41.741Z · comments (2)
Self-Referential Probabilistic Logic Admits the Payor's Lemma
Yudhister Kumar (randomwalks) · 2023-11-28T10:27:29.029Z · comments (14)
Survey of 2,778 AI authors: six parts in pictures
KatjaGrace · 2024-01-06T04:43:34.590Z · comments (1)
3C's: A Recipe For Mathing Concepts
johnswentworth · 2024-07-03T01:06:11.944Z · comments (5)
Fluent, Cruxy Predictions
Raemon · 2024-07-10T18:00:06.424Z · comments (10)
OpenAI o1, Llama 4, and AlphaZero of LLMs
Vladimir_Nesov · 2024-09-14T21:27:41.241Z · comments (23)
Studying The Alien Mind
Quentin FEUILLADE--MONTIXI (quentin-feuillade-montixi) · 2023-12-05T17:27:28.049Z · comments (10)
The Gemini Incident
Zvi · 2024-02-22T21:00:04.594Z · comments (19)
Thomas Kwa's research journal
Thomas Kwa (thomas-kwa) · 2023-11-23T05:11:08.907Z · comments (1)
[link] The Shutdown Problem: An AI Engineering Puzzle for Decision Theorists
EJT (ElliottThornley) · 2023-10-23T21:00:48.398Z · comments (22)
[question] How have you become more hard-working?
Chi Nguyen · 2023-09-25T12:37:39.860Z · answers+comments (40)
LessWrong Community Weekend 2024, open for applications
UnplannedCauliflower · 2024-05-01T10:18:21.992Z · comments (2)
Quick look: applications of chaos theory
Elizabeth (pktechgirl) · 2024-08-18T15:00:07.853Z · comments (45)
[link] My thesis (Algorithmic Bayesian Epistemology) explained in more depth
Eric Neyman (UnexpectedValues) · 2024-05-09T19:43:16.543Z · comments (4)
[link] MIRI's May 2024 Newsletter
Harlan · 2024-05-15T00:13:30.153Z · comments (1)
New report: "Scheming AIs: Will AIs fake alignment during training in order to get power?"
Joe Carlsmith (joekc) · 2023-11-15T17:16:42.088Z · comments (26)
Memory bandwidth constraints imply economies of scale in AI inference
Ege Erdil (ege-erdil) · 2023-09-17T14:01:34.701Z · comments (34)
Spaciousness In Partner Dance: A Naturalism Demo
LoganStrohl (BrienneYudkowsky) · 2023-11-19T07:00:19.555Z · comments (5)
Corrigibility = Tool-ness?
johnswentworth · 2024-06-28T01:19:48.883Z · comments (8)
A couple productivity tips for overthinkers
Steven Byrnes (steve2152) · 2024-04-20T16:05:50.332Z · comments (13)
[link] Is "superhuman" AI forecasting BS? Some experiments on the "539" bot from the Centre for AI Safety
titotal (lombertini) · 2024-09-18T13:07:40.754Z · comments (2)
EU policymakers reach an agreement on the AI Act
tlevin (trevor) · 2023-12-15T06:02:44.668Z · comments (7)
[Valence series] 2. Valence & Normativity
Steven Byrnes (steve2152) · 2023-12-07T16:43:49.919Z · comments (5)
Some Vacation Photos
johnswentworth · 2024-01-04T17:15:01.187Z · comments (0)
I'm a Former Israeli Officer. AMA
Yovel Rom · 2023-10-10T08:33:51.557Z · comments (70)
Send us example gnarly bugs
Beth Barnes (beth-barnes) · 2023-12-10T05:23:00.773Z · comments (10)
Secondary forces of debt
KatjaGrace · 2024-06-27T21:10:06.131Z · comments (18)
ACX Covid Origins Post convinced readers
ErnestScribbler · 2024-05-01T13:06:20.818Z · comments (7)
[link] [Linkpost] Practically-A-Book Review: Rootclaim $100,000 Lab Leak Debate
trevor (TrevorWiesinger) · 2024-03-28T16:03:36.452Z · comments (22)
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